SiteGround WordPress Security: Step By Step Guide

I’ve been using SiteGround myself for a couple of med-traffic websites. And it has shown me over and over that, they aren’t just the traditional WordPress hosting provider. Instead, it’s offering the best SiteGround WordPress Security with the best support and hosting infrastructure.

SiteGround is proudly hosting a few million domain names with very positive feedback from its customers. Their plans are really affordable! SiteGround server locations and specifications are very professional to run your successful website with ease.

Furthermore, SiteGround allows its customers to pick the server location from their wide variety of server locations. This alone sets SiteGround above the competition as it helps your end-user to get the best performance while browsing your website.

In this article, we’re reviewing the Siteground WordPress security and how to make the most out of your WordPress installation. Besides the SiteGround security lines, I will give you extra techniques and tips to secure your WordPress website.

SiteGround Server Speed

SiteGround Server Locations

The website loading speed is one of the most important determinants in selecting a hosting provider. You definitely want your WordPress blog or site to be fast-flashing because we’ve all read of the negative impact of a slow website on your visitors and sales.

I’ve been more than glad about the performance of SiteGround so far but I won’t ring about it myself. I’ve been using SiteGround for some time now and I just discovered the company is one of the top-performing players, especially in shared plans and managed WordPress hosting.

SiteGround has a WordPress own caching technology for its own, which works quite damn good on the infrastructure lever instead of on your WordPress. This technology could be easily integrated into your WordPress website in the form of a simple plugin to install.

Besides increasing the speed of your WordPress system, SiteGround SuperCacher technology also allows you to run a very busy website on a smaller level as the majority of contents are served by their own VPS caching systems, so you can save much-needed cash.

SiteGround WordPress Security

The most critical protection aspect of your WordPress platform would be your WordPress hosting service. A strong web hosting service such as; BlueHost or SiteGround is taking proactive steps to secure servers from specific threatening attacks.

The web hosting company is actually tracking the network for unusual activity continuously. And in order to avoid huge DDOS assaults, all successful hosting providers upgrade their software and hardware periodically to keep spammers and hackers away.

Successful web hosting providers are also keeping continuous backups in case of any emergency. They have ready to implement accident recovery plans that enable them to protect your data in the event of a major accident.

Shared Vs Managed WordPress

SiteGround Shared Hosting Plans

You share the server resources with many other clients on a shared hosting plan. This opens up the risk of contamination at cross sites where a hacker can attack your website using a neighboring website.

With a WordPress controlled hosting service, the website has a more stable forum. Managed WordPress hosting companies offer automated backups, WordPress automatic updates, and enhanced security settings to safeguard your website.

For me, I would definitely recommend SiteGround managed WordPress hosting if you’re running a busy site that receives huge traffic (>100,000 monthly visits). Other than that, regular SiteGround shared hosting plans should be very enough to maintain a secure WordPress website.

How To Secure WordPress Site?

We know it may be a terrifying idea for beginners to improve WordPress security. Particularly if you’re not technology. You aren’t isolated, guess what. Thousands of WordPress users have helped to strengthen the security of WordPress.

We will show you how with just a few clicks (no code required) you can increase the security of your WordPress system. Backups are your first WordPress attack defense. Nothing is 100 % secure, remember. If you can hack government websites, you can.

You can restore your WordPress website in the event that something bad happens fast. Backups You can use a number of free and paid WordPress backup plugins. When it comes to backups, the most important thing you need to know is to save full site backups regularly to a remote location (not your hosting account).

It is best stored on a cloud service such as Amazon, Dropbox, or private clouds such as Stash. The ideal setting maybe once daily or real-time backups based on how often you update your website. Fortunately, a plugin like VaultPress and UpdraftPlus can be used easily. Both are accurate and simple to use (no coding required).

1. Install the Sucuri WordPress Plugin

Sucuri WordPress Plugin

The next step we need to do after backups is to build an analysis and reporting program that monitors what is happening on the website. This includes monitoring of file integrity, failed login, malware scanning, etc. Fortunately, the best free WordPress security plugin Sucuri Scanner can take care of all of this.

The free Sucuri Security plugin must be installed and enabled. See our step-by-step guide on installing a WordPress plugin for further details. When activated, your WordPress administration must go to the Sucuri menu. The first thing to do is to create a free API key.

It enables audit tracking, completeness tests, email notifications, and other essential features. Sucuri is not the only provider out there of the DNS level firewall. Cloudflare is the second most popular competitor. See our Sucuri-Cloudflare analysis (Pros and Cons). See our contrast.

2. Change To HTTPS Protocol

HTTPS SiteGround WordPress Security

SSL is a protocol that encrypts the transmission of data between your browser and the website. This coding makes sniffing and cracking knowledge impossible for others. When you allow SSL, you’ll also see the padlock symbol next to your site address on your website with HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Typically SSL certificates have also been issued by certificate authorities and prices begin each year from $80 to $100. Because of additional costs, the majority of website owners chose to continue using the insecure protocol.

In order to fix this, Let’s Encrypt has decided to offer website owners free SSL certificates. Help for their project is Google Chrome, Twitter, Mozilla, and more. You can now begin SSL for all your WordPress websites more easily than ever. Many hosting companies now offer your WordPress website with a free SSL certificate.

3. Change Admin Username

Change SiteGround WordPress Username

The default username for the WordPress admin was “admin” in the past. Since usernames represent half of the login credentials, hackers can render brute attacks simpler. Fortunately, WordPress changed this since then, and you now have a personalized username to select when WordPress is installed.

Some WordPress installers with 1 click however always set the default user name for the admin to be “admin.” It’s probably a good idea to change your web hosting when you notice that this is the case. Thousands are using sentences such as “password” or “123456” for your admin login information.

Of course, passwords of this type are easily imaginable and are at the top of any dictionary attack list. A smart idea is to use a whole word that is important for you that you can quickly recall. Passwords of this kind are far better than just a single sentence.

Wrapping Up

SiteGround WordPress Security: Get 70% Off

SiteGround offers WordPress superior hosting for fast, safe, and customer service. With unique server-level adaptations, auto-updates, and daily backups we take care of WordPress websites.

By upgrading our hardware regularly, providing Railgun with free CDN, and developing our SuperCacher, which accelerates sites up to 100 times! We offer real WordPress 24/7 help, last but not least! Find out more about WordPress hosting of SiteGround.

Not only develop different solutions for WordPress sites, but SiteGround experts also create unique designs that can be downloaded free of charge. WordPress Themes SiteGround can be conveniently modified for the webmaster’s specific use.

That was it all about SiteGround WordPress security. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this article with everyone on social media. Thanks for reading!

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