Why Most Bloggers Fail & How To Make Money?

Once you let yourself think about why most bloggers fail, Your brain will automatically come up with unlimited numbers of thoughts and blames. It’s an automatic process made by brain to resolve these concerns in your favor.

If you’re really serious about what you’re intending to do, make sure not to let your brain think within its comfort zone. It’s always easier to think why you won’t do this than thinking on how you can do this.

A few days ago while surfing one of my favourite blogs I used to follow. I stumbled upon this blog post where the author mentioned that surrounding yourself with people better than you will certainly make you drift into their way. I loved the quote very much.

In my opinion, It not only about people, but also you need to make sure to surround yourself with inspiring ideas and productive schedules to drift in the success’s way.

Related: How to Start a Successful Blog for Absolute Beginners?

Move away from creating blames and thoughts on how hard it’s, why it’s not the time, or how it’s impossible since you’re not that person.

Believe in yourself, and proudly let it go..

[bctt tweet=”Surrounding yourself with people better than you will certainly make you drift into their way!” username=”GrowCheap”]

In this article, let me dive deep into the ocean and show you why most bloggers fail and how to make money blogging. Also, let me walk you through how to get over these negative impulses in your life and rise up like never before.

1. I don’t have enough money:

not-enough-money-make you fail

Heads up, It’s considered the most popular thought why most bloggers fail. You decided that you don’t have enough money. That’s why you thought that turning your idea into a profitable business is nearly impossible.

Let me assure you that you’re simply putting yourself in the suitable comfort zone. This is much easier for your brain to think about why not to do, instead of going the extra mile to think about how you can do it with little or no money.

A couple of years ago, I read a biography book on how the author managed to turn his home side business into a multi-million dollars business. He managed to start-up his web hosting business with less than $100 in his wallet.

The author mentioned an important equation that turned out to be the most inspiring one for me. This equation is:

Money = Time + Hard Work

He clearly meant that if you do not have enough money to start-up your own business, You can spend time and hard work instead. Time and hard work will help you to start-up your own business with little or no cash. According to the author, It’s either having enough money or spending time and hard work instead.

Furthermore, let me tell you that we started our online businesses career with zero cash. We started as online freelancers, and by the time we managed to collect our first $100 USD. We reinvested $60 USD of them into leasing a reseller web hosting account and started a web hosting business.

Money is not everything. You’re the one who can turn ideas into successful businesses with your passion and hard work. Make sure to have a strong belief on what you want to do, and you will simply succeed.

Related: Start a Blog as low as $3.95 per month

[bctt tweet=”Money = Time + Hard Work” username=”GrowCheap”]

2. I don’t have enough time:

not-enough-time-make you fail

You convinced yourself that you don’t have enough time to start-up your dream. Then, What you’re currently doing and how you’re investing your time then?

It’s simply another thought coming out of your brain’s comfort zone. As I have cleared earlier, It’s much easier for your brain to say no enough time instead of working on developing ideas and find parallel ways to start-up your own thing and accordingly succeed.

It’s not only you; however, it’s a big problem for entrepreneurs who don’t manage their time well. You have the same 24 hours per day that everyone else has.

By the graduation year, we figured out how it was brilliant to plant seeds couple of years ago. These seeds are how we’re leading a stress-free life by now; a couple of years after planting them for the first time.

I believe that there are two reasons why you may think you don’t have enough time:

– You have enough time but you don’t have enough time management skills.
– You have enough time but convincing yourself with the opposite falls under your brain’s comfort zone.

With both reasons, you need to adjust a schedule, make a proper time management plan, and think wisely what you really want to achieve including your defined goals for the future.

Surround yourself with better versions of people who are managing to do more in less time. This way you will accordingly drift in their way and that’s why most bloggers fail. Remember, It will happen only if you’re really passionate about what you want to achieve.

Related: Change The World For The Better With These 6 Tips

3. I’m not that person:

not-that-person-make you fail

Here is another thought your brain picked up from the comfort zone arena. You’re not that person, you’re not having the necessary strong experience, and you’re lacking a lot of must-have skills.

Most of these thoughts may seem realistic to you. The thing you don’t know is that diving in such thoughts will let you spend more time with a few or no actions towards starting up your own dream thing.

A few days ago I was chatting with a friend of mine about how elegant his dream is and how he plans to start it up within the next few months. I liked how he is looking forward to start-up his own thing. I didn’t like how he is making sure to surround himself with negative thoughts driving him backward.

He was talking to me on how he lacks the experience. He also mentioned his plans to work for someone in the same field for a few months before starting the thing up. I was really shocked by how many obstacles he is doing his best to create!

The most disappointing part of the discussion was that when he told me about how necessary it is to increase the initial budget for a better start-off.

Really? Are you serious?

I replied with one question: “Why not to let it go?”

That’s my advice for you: If you’re really serious about starting up your own side hustling, just let it go with what you currently have. You will gain experience by time. Remember that as early as you start as more experiences and self-confidence you will gain in return.

Related: How To Deal With Rejection: 3 Effective Tips

4. Things never go my way:

things-never-go-myway-make you fail

As a business owner or an online entrepreneur, you may open yourself up to dozens of possibilities about things that never ever go your way. You’re simply placing blames which results in fueling anger, and disappointment.

It’s so easy to shut up the doors by saying things never go my way. It’s always easy to place blames. I agree that sometimes things are being messed up. You cannot control every single person or circumstance; however, you can control your own thoughts and actions.

Let’s say you’re starting up an online personal blog and intending to establish your own personal brand on the World Wide Web. At a certain level, Things will not go smoothly as it was before. Things are not always easy; otherwise, everyone should have succeeded.

You need to accept the fact that the hard work is required if you are expecting goals out of your career. You need to take the responsibility. It’s never ever easy to starting up and growing your business; however, it really deserves your hard work.

The term “passive income” has been popular over the last few years on the internet. It means that you can make money online out of your website or blog while sleeping, playing with kids, or hanging out with family. It’s true but accept the fact that it’s not passive.

You need to plant the seeds, do your job, and make sacrifices to gain the gain the benefits later. Always remember “Easy come, easy go”. Many people think it’s passive, and that’s why most bloggers fail eventually.

If you’re really serious about starting up your own dream thing, make sure to take the responsibility and accept the fact that hard work is a must in order to achieve your expected goals.

HEY, Are you ready to start-up your own blog? It’s never too late! Starting up today is way better than tomorrow, than next week. All you need for a good start is a hosting account and a domain name. The journey has been simplified, In this guide I’m walking you through how to start your very own unique blog in less than 3 minutes.

5. I’m chasing perfection:

chasing-perfection-make you fail

Perfection is different from one to another. What you mean by perfection doesn’t mean it will be perfect as well in your follower’s eyes. You need to admit from the early beginning that the concept perfection is not what to chase; however, it’s what makes you happy!

I’m one of those who was always seeking and chasing perfection. Let’s say I’m working on a website design for me or a client. I could spend the whole day trying to adjust this little corner on the website several times until reaching the perfection in my eyes.

This simply results in wasting the day without any further achievements other than this little corner. And that’s why most bloggers fail. In addition, this perfection is only in my eyes; however, it doesn’t necessarily mean that my client or the site visitors will see it perfect too.

I’m not saying ignore the quality and level up the quantity. I’m saying make the necessary balance to serve the main goal of being happy.

– Stop chasing perfection.
– Stop grabbing stress into your life.
– Make sure you’re doing what makes you happy.

Stop spending too much time doing the same little thing over and over again expecting different results each time. Remember, the perfection is being served and guaranteed by the whole big image. It’s not at all about this little corner or this little change in your website’s homepage.

Chase success, and it will bring in perfection by time.

Why Most Bloggers Fail
And How To Make Money?

Why Most Bloggers Fail & How To Make Money? #Fail #Blogging #Content

Convince yourself to let things go. Let me shock you that it’s not about money, time, or experience you have. It’s all about you and what’s your dream?

[bctt tweet=”Think Big, & Dream Higher as if the SKY is your LIMIT!” username=”GrowCheap”]

I’m always certain that everyone on the planet can reach what he is looking for only if he worked hard enough to prove that he really wants this thing.

It’s your turn now. Tell me about your experience with starting up your own dream thing. Remember, I make sure to reply to every single comment published here, so go ahead and fire the discussion up. See you in the comments section.

Cheers, To your success!

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