Have you been looking forward to explore the top 10 bloggers in India and their earnings? Here, I’ve compiled the most successful blogs along with indian bloggers income.
Getting over the top blogs in India will let you read, learn and succeed on building a profitable blog. I’m a regular reader to the following blog. And I’m here telling my thoughts about each.
Furthermore, Following these blogs will let you learn the latest trends in your blogging niche. I’m a regular reader to many blogs. And I frequently jump into discussions via the comments.
Here is a quick list of blog sites in India:
Blogger | Blog URL | Monthly Income |
Harsh Agrawal | ShoutMeLoud.com | ~ $50,000 USD |
Amit Agrawal | Labnol.org | ~ $60,000 USD |
Shradha Sharma | YourStory.com | ~ $30,000 USD |
Faisal Farooqui | MouthShut.com | ~ $50,000 USD |
Shivya Nath | The-Shooting-Star.com | ~ $5,000 USD |
Ajay Jain | KunZum.com | ~ $50,000 USD |
Srinivas Tamada | 9Lessons.info | ~ $20,000 USD |
Archana Doshi | ArchanasKitchen.com | ~ $10,000 USD |
Anil Agarwal | BloggersPassion.com | ~ $10,000 USD |
Varun Krishnan | FoneArena.com | ~ $20,000 USD |
Let’s head over to the interesting Indian blogs list. And see the top 10 bloggers in India and their inspiring blogging earnings. This is a long article for you. And I’m positive you’ll love it.
Top 10 Bloggers in India & Their Earnings:
Yes, This is my very personal favorite list. Since I’m into blogging and making money online, most of the blogs below are like-minded. Reading such blogs gives me an inspiration to do more on my blogging journey.
If you’re looking forward to start a blog, but don’t know where to start; This inspiring list is exactly for you. The way they blog and make money will indeed leave something at you. Let’s all get inspired!
#1. Harsh Agrawal – ShoutMeLoud
ShoutMeLoud is one of the leading top Indian blogs. It has been launched by Harsh Agrawal in 2008. And it’s covering many topics related to; Blogging, SEO, WordPress, Internet Marketing and Making Money online.
He is indeed a very enthusiastic blogger in india. He has helped a lot to increase blogging awareness in india via his blogs across different sites on the internet.
Furthermore, Harsh Agrawal is making a decent income from his blog. His main source of income is Affiliate Marketing. Other than ShoutMeLoud, Harsh is also running and maintaining other successful blogs such as; WPHostingDiscount, WPSutra and CoinSutra.
- Name:: Harsh Agrawal
- Age: 30 years
- Blog: ShoutMeLoud
- Location: New Delhi, India
- Monthly Earning: ~ $50,000 (Feb 2018)
- Topics: Blogging, SEO & WordPress
- Income Source: Affiliate Marketing
Overall, ShoutMeLoud is a great blog to continuously learn about blogging and making money online. Furthermore, you could potentially learn other great things about SEO and generating traffic.
#2. Amit Agrawal – Labnol
This blog is indeed having a strong impact on blogging in india. Amit Agrawal is considered to be the first professional blogger in India. Back in 2004, He has quit his day job to achieve a successful online career.
He launched a technology blog called Labnol (Digital Inspiration). And he publish articles and complete guides on technology related stuff. With that being said, Labnol is one of the larget technology communities on the internet.
Labnol’s main source of income is Google Adsense. Furthermore, he has been listed in Adsense success story by Google. He is earning a significant monthly income from Adsense.
- Name:: Amit Agrawal
- Age: 38 years
- Blog: Digital Inspiration (Labnol)
- Location: New Delhi, India
- Monthly Earning: ~ $60,000 Monthly
- Topics: Technology & How-To Guides
- Income Source: Google Adsense
Overall, This blog is a great online place where you can learn many tech related tips in a very simplified way. Many beginners and newbies have found his blog very useful.
#3. Shradha Sharma – Your Story
This is one of the most popular blogs in india. It’s mainly covering many topics related to small businesses and startups. It provides a great dose of inspiration to let people succeed every single day.
Shradha has started this blog back in 2010 with a main aim at Entrepreneurship and Business guidance. I found this blog very inspiring for me that reading became my daily routine in the morning. Shradha Sharma is indeed one of the top 10 bloggers in india.
While it’s a bit younger than many other online blogs, YourStory has became a great mark for many people who are looking forward to launch or commit with a business. It’s a great blog for newbies and beginners.
- Name:: Shradha Sharma
- Blog: YourStory
- Location: Bangalore, India
- Monthly Earning: ~ $30,000 Monthly
- Topics: Entrepreneurship & Business Guidance.
- Income Source: Google Adsense
If you would like to know how women are succeeding in business, YourStory is the ultimate place for top stories. Overall, It’s one of my best blog that I follow and read from time to time with a great passion.
#4. Faisal Farooqui – MouthShut
Faisal is the founder behind MouthShut. He is one of the most enthusiastic indian entrepreneurs. Farooqui has received education in the United States. And he is currently travelling a lot between the USA and India.
MouthShut is an online portal that is dedicated to provide consumer research and product reviews. It’s more like an online community where customers can review different products based on their own experiences. You can find more about Faisal Farooqui and MouthShut on Wikipedia.
MoutShut is making thousands of dollars each month. They’ve deployed corporate blogging heavily on the site. And their income sources range between Advertising Spots, Affiliate Sales & Premium Memberships.
- Name:: Faisal Farooqui
- Blog: MouthShut
- Location: Between USA and India
- Monthly Earning: ~ $50,000 Monthly
- Topics: Customer’s Reviewing and Listings
- Income Source: Ads, Affiliate Marketing & Memberships.
Overall, MouthShut is more than a blog. It’s like a big online portal. Thousands of users rely on it to find relevant product reviews before purchasing it. Farooqui has launched the site back in 2000 with huge development stages along the way.
#5. Shivya Nath – TheShootingStar
At once, Shivya Nath decided to quit her corporate job to travel the wold. She just decided to live the dream most people are always dreaming about. And she’s now a full-time digital nomad and travel blogger.
She has started her blog”TheShootingStar” to document her travels. The blog is doing very well and many people are visiting it to read her tips on different worldwide destinations.
Furthermore, She has got a bigger goal in mind; to inspire the young people do the same. Do what? well, leave their comfort zones and live for the extremes they’ve always been dreaming of.
In all honesty, She is not making the size figure income in comparison to other listed on this list. But her adventure and spirit strikes me out to talk about her story. Thanks Shivya for inspiring all of us!
- Name: Shivya Nath
- Blog: TheShootingStar
- Location: Around the World (Digital Nomad)
- Topics: Experiential travel
- Income Source: Affiliate Marketing & Partnerships.
Shivya started her blog back in 2011 with a strong desire to be able to fund her travels. And she now manages to fund almost all her travels herself via blogging.
Her story is very inspiring. And she has one big tip in mind; Don’t start blogging unless you truly passionate about it. Blogging for money won’t work. Blogging with passion works!
#6. Ajay Jain – KunZum
This is one of the most inspiring travel blogs in india. I’ve found it very unique with high quality photos and videos. They’re on a mission to inspire others seeing destinations that people don’t know about.
While Ajau relies on partnerships with travel brands to make money, He still sticks to the general journalism ethics. He is always reviewing destinations and brands based on his own experience and point of view.
He is mostly making money by displaying advertisements for different travel brands. Furthermore, he has published many travel ebooks and a travel workshops where he makes most of his income today.
- Name: Ajay Jain
- Blog: KunZum
- Location: New Delhi, India
- Monthly Earning: ~ $50,000 Monthly
- Topics: Travel & Reviewing Epic Destinations
- Income Source: Advertising Brands & Partnerships
Overall, Ajay is a promising travel blogger. He focuses on reviewing epic destinations with high quality photos and videos.
His ultimate advice for bloggers is to take blogging as a growing business to become of the top bloggers in india. He thinks that Writing thin content and publishing Google Ads won’t work today!
#7. Srinivas Tamada – 9Lessons
Tamada is a professional part-time blogger. He is mainly blogging about programming and web design. It’s the most popular indian blog that talks about programming languages.
Being a technical blog, It’s not for everyone but for web developers. Tamada is sharing inights and tutorials about coding applications and developing websites. The blog is making a decent monthly income passively.
Tamada is from Andhra Pradesh. And he currently lives in the United States. He is mainly making money via multiple income channels; Direct Ads, Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing.
- Name: Srinivas Tamada
- Blog: 9Lessons
- Location: Andhra Pradesh, India
- Topics: Programming, Coding & Web Technologies.
- Income Source: Direct Ads, Google Adsense & Affiliate Sales
Overall, Tamada is an inspiring blogger and one of the best bloggers in India. If you would like to learn web development and coding, this blog is exactly for you. He is a passionate web architect. He will be your guide along an informative programming journey.
#8. Archana Doshi – ArchanasKitchen
This is one of the oldest Indian food blogs on the internet. It has many years of experience along with many videos and blog posts in there.
Archana started food blogging since a long time ago with a strong dedication a very hard work. Her blog quickly became very popular with many followers on social media platforms.
She is only sharing healthy recipes that she’s already cooking for her children. Her recipes are inspiring millions of people, not only in india, but all over the world to cook healthy and tasty food.
- Name: Archana Doshi
- Blog: ArchanasKitchen
- Location: Bengaluru, India
- Topics: Kitchen & Cooking Healthy Food.
- Income Source: Direct Ads and Partnerships.
Archana seriously loves cooking. She used to make healthy tasty food for her children. Her friends had no choice but to encourage her to start blogging. And she did after dazzling with the idea for three years.
She started her own blog ArchanasKitchen. Furthermore, she went into putting her own recipes on her blog. Quickly, she became an important one of the top 10 bloggers in india. The responses were great that inspired her to do more.
Overall, ArchanasKitchen is a number one destination for awesome unique recipes. Once you go to her blog, you will realize how much passion and dedication being poured into the blog and the published recipes.
#9. Anil Agarwal – BloggersPassion
BloggersPassion is always my favorite blog when it comes to SEO and making money online. Anil Agarwal has founded it in 2010 with a strong dedication and passion towards building a thriving online career.
Whether you’re a newbie blogger or an avid one, BloggersPassion is a great resource with tons of information which will help you to start a profitable blogging career.
Anil Agarwal has been blogging for a long while. Furthermore, he has partnered with Harsh Agrawal from ShoutMeLoud. They together managed to make $16,000 with affiliate partnership. Also, they have helped thousands of beginners to launch their blogging careers.
- Name: Anil Agarwal
- Blog: BloggersPassion
- Monthly Earning: ~ $10,000 Monthly
- Location: New Delhi, India
- Topics: SEO, Blogging and Making Money Online
- Income Source: Affiliate Marketing
Anil is an SEO expert. On his blog, he is always sharing proven blogging tips and affiliate marketing strategies to help other bloggers along the way to make money blogging.
For me, I’ve been a BloggersPassion fan for a long time. I make sure to always read Anil’s thoughts, strategies and articles he shares on his blog. Honestly, I’ve got to learn many good stuff from him. Thanks Anil!
#10. Varun Krishnan – FoneArena
Varun Krishnan has launched FoneArena Blog way back in 2005 (it’s over 10 years ago!). The blog is considered to be one of the largest indian gadget reviewing blogs.
FoneArena is basically covering updates and recent news around computers, phones, laptops and more. Furthermore, It discusses the tech news and links to major tech websites.
- Name: Varun Krishnan
- Blog: FoneArnena
- Monthly Earning: ~ $20,000 Monthly
- Location: New Delhi, India
- Topics: SEO, Blogging and Making Money Online
- Income Source: Affiliate Marketing
Overall, FoneArena is a great place to read about technology news and gadget reviews. Varun is a tech enthusiastic that you will exactly help you to find the best gadget based on his extensive thorough reviews.
Indian Bloggers Income:
These were the top earning blogs in India. Most of them are making above $10,000 USD on a monthly basis via their blogs. While advertising and partnerships are good ways to make money, Affiliate Marketing is considered to be the most promising source of income for bloggers.
I’ve been following most of these bloggers on their journeys along time ago. Same of them were even dare to publish monthly income reports showing how they managed to make money blogging. These income reports were a great source of income for me.
Here are some inspiring links for top 10 bloggers in india (income reports):
While this list is only dedicated to Indian Bloggers. They’re even ranking in the list of the top 10 bloggers in world. They’re doing an awesome job that the world really like and appreciate.
What We Learn?
It’s very easy to mention successful bloggers and read their achievement stories. But it’s even harder to do the same. In order to do awesome like them, you will need dedication, motivation and hard work along the way.
If you’re up to starting a blog, you need to read a lot. And these blogs bove are great examples for hard-working bloggers who are truly sharing valuable information.
I understand that you might find yourself not a very good writer or lacking experience. But honestly, nothing would be like learning from other’s experiences. Keep reading and learning and you will do it one day.
Top 10 Blog Sites in India (Conclusion):
You too an start up your own successful blog. The steps are pretty simple and straight-forward. Here, I would recommend you to follow my ultimate guide; How to start a successful blog for absolute beginners?
And here, that was the list of my favorite top 10 blog sites in India. These list should be a great starting point for you if you consider starting a blog. They’re truly interesting to read and follow.
If you think I’ve missed a your favorite blog, Please do let me know in the comments below about your top 10 bloggers in india. And don’t forget to share this awesome article with everyone on social media.
Shout Me Loud is India’s fastest and one of the famous blogs which is run by Harsh Agrawal. Being a blogger, I love to read blogs which teaches me the real and impressive fundamentals of blogging.
i need info of Top 10 Bloggers in India & Their Earnings and this post helped me.