Are you just starting out your online blog and wondering which web hosting provider to choose? There are many things to look for before choosing your web hosting provider and launch your website. In this post, I will dive deeper into the comparison between BlueHost Vs HostGator Vs DreamHost.
There are many great web hosting companies available out there. You shouldn’t ignore this step, choose any provider and that’s it. You need to be very picky and selective. Make sure to address your thoughts and inquiries before signing up with a web host.
The problem is that many of the web hosting providers out there are claiming great things about their services.
Once you sign up, you may face tons of issues with the website loading time, coding issues, server response, and many other factors that unfortunately will destroy your online presence right from the beginning.
So you need to be extremely careful on choosing your website hosting provider.
In today’s post, I’m walking you through a detailed comparison among BlueHost, Hostgator, and DreamHost to show you which company offers the best web hosting services.
I initially started with BlueHost since around 9 years ago. Later on, I got introduced to HostGator and DreamHost. I used both of them for client’s websites, and they both served our projects very well.
WordPress Webhosting:
My experience with all the three web hosting providers has been in setting up WordPress sites. Something you may not know about Content Management Systems like WordPress is that they’re huge consumers of the server resources.
So basically, if your web hosting company’s servers are not reliable, Your WordPress experience with their hosting service could go in a serious trouble.
My WordPress experience with the BlueHost, Hostgator, and DreamHost turned to be great. Their servers are well optimized for running WordPress sites without any problems.
The Ultimate Comparision:
Bluehost Vs Hostgator Vs Dreamhost
I would strongly recommend going with BlueHost right from the beginning. I recommend using their services since I’ve been a very satisfied client with them for years since I initially started 9 years ago.
BlueHost BASIC plan covers the following:
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free Domain Name Registration.
Free Google Adwords Credit of $100 USD.
1 Website Hosting allowed.
24/7 Support via Online Live Chat, Email, Tickets, and Phone.
(If you’re looking forward to hosting unlimited websites instead of just one, then you may need to consider opting in for ADVANCED plan instead)
What you will definitely like about BlueHost:
BlueHost offers a free domain name registration included in your package upon signup. The domain name registration is estimated to be from $12 USD to $15 USD worth. I think this is definitely a very good deal that you will like.
The basic plan from Bluehost is capable of handling from 20k up to 25k pageviews on daily basis without affecting the website loading time and server’s response. This means that your website will be able to handle up to 600k up to 750k page views per month.
What you may not like about BlueHost:
BlueHost is only offering annual billing cycle. This means that you will not be able to month by month. You can pay every 12mo, 24mo, or 36mo only according to their available billing cycles.
Although you may think it’s disappointing to an extent, I see it very practical and recommended to pay on at least an annual billing cycle for your web hosting account.
Imagine that you’ve built your blog, and gained a good number of audiences. You woke up in one morning to find out that your site is offline. Why? Because you missed paying the monthly subscription for your blog’s web hosting account!
Being on an annual subscription is a very good choice you will need to opt in for if you’re really serious about starting up and growing your blogging career.
One more thing to say: BlueHost is offering up to 30 days Money Back Guarantee, so basically there’s nothing to worry about at all. If you’re not satisfied at any time during the first 30 days, drop them a line and they will refund you back with no questions asked!
Sign up with Bluehost for $3.45/month (40% off coupon added in the link).
Hostgator is another reliable web hosting provider. I gave it try dozens of times before while working on client’s WordPress websites. Their servers are well-optimized and function very well for a small to medium sized websites with less than 1M page views per month.
Their servers are well-optimized for handling WordPress code processes and requests. I have used the Hostgator live chat and phone support couple of times earlier, and they were top notch handling my inquiries and questions professionally within minutes.
HostGator BABY plan covers the following:
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free Domain Migration and Renewal.
Free Blog Migration.
Free Google Adwords Credit of $100 USD.
Unlimited websites allowed.
24/7 Support via Online Live Chat, Email, Tickets, and Phone.
What you will definitely like about HostGator:
Like BlueHost, They are offering unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth which gives you even more than the real value of the money. They can transfer your blog or website from your old host over to your new account with them with no extra charge at all.
The BABY plan from HostGator is capable of handling from 600k up to 750k page views per month while keeping the performance top notch without affecting the server resources or uptime. The Hatchling plan is a perfect fit if you’re looking forward to hosting 1 website only.
What you may not like about HostGator:
They as well bill on annual or biannual billing cycle which I see is very practical and recommended. It allows you to pay your invoices ahead without passing by the hassle of suspending or altering your website availability due to non-payment.
It’s a little bit more pricey as the BABY Plan costs $4.95/mo, but It worth the money if you’re considering hosting more than 1 website on the same hosting package. You still can get the Hatchling package for $3.45/mo but with 1 website allowed on the same package.
Sign up with HostGator for $4.95/month (50% off coupon added in the link).
DreamHost is another popular web hosting provider since 1997. Their servers are top notch, plus they’re offering a wide range of services from the shared hosting up to the Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Dedicated Servers.
I recommend DreamHost in case you would like to pay for your web hosting account on a month-to-month basis. Unlike BlueHost and HostGator, DreamHost gives you the option to pay on a monthly billing cycle instead of paying for the whole year ahead.
DreamHost plan covers the following:
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free Domain Name Registration.
Free Google Adwords Credit of $100 USD.
Unlimited websites allowed.
24/7 Support via Online Live Chat, Email, Tickets, and Phone.
What you will definitely like about DreamHost:
In addition to the fact that they allow you to pay on a month-to-month basis, they also give you up to 97 days money back guarantee. They’re also willing to give you a free domain name included without any additional charges.
As long as you didn’t hit the limit of 500k pageviews per month, DreamHost should be the perfect fit for your website or blog. Their support used to be top notch and they’re always available to address your inquiries and questions right away.
What may not like about DreamHost:
Their prices are way higher than BlueHost and HostGator. It costs you $10.95/mo for the DreamHost Webhosting package. This is due to the fact that you’re paying on a month-to-month basis instead of going annually or biannually.
Although DreamHost service is really professional and top notch, I only recommend them if you’re on a low budget and don’t want to go to an annual billing cycle right from the beginning.
This package includes a free domain name, domain privacy protection, free included SSL certificate, and the availability to host unlimited websites on the same account. Thus, $10.95 per month is a very good price for what you’ll get in return.
Sign up with DreamHost for $7.95/month (20% off coupon added in the link).
Are you on a low budget?
If you’re on a lower budget, and can’t afford to go with the above top brands at the current moment, then let me introduce another big deal offer for you, HostRainbow.
HostRainbow is offering top notch web hosting services. They’re currently empowering 1,000+ online websites and counting. Their packages start as low as $1.95 per month with the option to pay on a month-to-month basis.
These companies listed above BlueHost Vs HostGator Vs DreamHost are considered to be the most famous and reliable providers worldwide. They’re combined serving millions of domain names and websites for customers from around the world.
Ready to start your blogging career? It’s never too late! Starting up today is way better than tomorrow, than next week. All you need for a good start is a hosting account and a domain name. The journey has been simplified, In this guide I’m walking you through how to start your very own unique blog in less than 3 minutes.
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