13 Important Things To Do After Installing WordPress

In today’s world, You can start your own website or blog in less than 3 minutes and keep it updated on an hourly basis if you would prefer. WordPress made it quite easy and straight forward, by installing WordPress on your site you can start blogging right away.

Back in 2001 when I joined the internet and started making websites, It was kind of an interesting thing for me at that time. I used to use Microsoft Front Page to build static HTML websites which were really fantastic for me at that time.

In 2001 the internet was not having so many resources and tutorials like how it’s now. I was making sure each month to obtain the new issue of my preferred IT Magazine as they made a series on how to design your website and upload it to the internet. Despite being an HTML static website but I loved what I made very much.

The only downside I see about having a static website is that once it’s up and online, editing it to add new content or update the information on it is not that easy. You will need to download the file, edit or add your new content, then re-upload it again and refresh the page.

During that time, I built different websites but never ranked for any of them because simply I was not having any new content being added to these sites.

A huge percent of the websites and blogs on the internet today are being based on WordPress as their main Content Management System. You too can use it to create and grow your online presence since WordPress is an open source software ( it’s Free ):

Installing WordPress on your website is quite easy and straight forward. You can also install it with just one click via your web hosting account dashboard, but the question is what to do after installing WordPress on my site?


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HEY, Are you ready to start-up your own blog? It’s never too late! Starting up today is way better than tomorrow, than next week. All you need for a good start is a hosting account and a domain name. The journey has been simplified, In this guide I’m walking you through how to start your very own unique blog in less than 3 minutes.

Here in this tutorial, I’m walking you through the top 13 important things you need to do after installing WordPress on your website:

PST: # Kindly make sure to be logged into your WordPress admin panel on your website to be able to perform the following changes and updates. To log in to you WP Dashboard, kindly go to mydomain.com/wp-admin, put in your username and password, then hit login. Here we go:

1. Delete Sample Post, & Sample Page:

Delete Sample Post and Sample Page - Installing WordPress

WordPress is automatically creating a sample generic post and page once it has been installed on your site. These entries are intended to show you how it looks like to add a post or page. They contain words like welcome to WordPress, here’s your first post or page and stuff like that.

The first thing we need to do at this point is to trash these entries out. You don’t want your visitors to see that your site is messed up or under construction.

2. Edit Site Title, Tagline, & Time Zone:


You need to edit and confirm the site title, tagline, and the time zone on your WordPress site. To edit these entries, go to Settings – > General.

There you can edit these entries. Make sure to edit and confirm them correctly – spelling wise – since these values are the first lines to appear on your website in the search engines results like Google, Yahoo, ..etc.

You need also to update the time zone option on the same page accordingly with your current location. It’s a must if you’re intending to run a blog where you want to automate publishing posts and make regular content stream.

3. Adjust Media Settings:


WordPress by default is generating three sets of images from each picture you upload. It generates Thumbnail Size, Medium Size, and Large Size versions of the same picture you upload to WordPress.

You don’t want to consume and load up the disk space with images you don’t use, thus deleting it is a necessary to keep a hygienic filling, and keep the disk space usage low without extra files you don’t need, and don’t use.

Kindly bear in mind that the theme you’re going to use is going to handle these different sizes automatically without the need to get multiple images generated and stored.

In order to disable this feature, we need to go to Settings – > Media. There you need to set all the values for 0 then hit save changes to apply that update to your WordPress site.

4. Configure Permalinks:

Permalinks option in WordPress is the tool helps you to define what is the URL structure for your posts and pages on your website. To curate your permalinks, Head to Settings – > Permalinks.

You will find different options to choose from. For search engine optimization (SEO) purposes I recommend choosing the DAY and NAME permalink option.

WordPress here offers you the ability to create custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. Custom URL structure can improve the usability and the compatibility of your links.

5. SEO Yoast Plugin:

Yoast SEO Installing WordPress

SEO Yoast plugin is a very important one which will play a vital role in enhancing your posts and pages SEO results. It will help out to customize the title, URL, slug, and description on a post and a page level.

This is a must in the current century to help your website rank higher. It also helps to set a focus keyword for each of your posts and pages and this is another necessity to have to help search engines detect and find your content in relation to user’s search keywords.

In order to install SEO Yoast plugin, You need to head to Plugins Tab – > Add New. Plugins Dashboard will come up, use the search bar to find SEO Yoast Plugin, then click Install Now. After installing the files, it will ask you to activate the plugin, hit activate the plugin and you’re done.

In order to see how it looks like and how to use it in posts and pages editor. Head to Posts Tab – > Add New. At the post editor page scroll down until you see SEO Yoast Plugin Extension at the bottom of the page.

Here’s how it looks like! It gives you different tools and parameters to set the right SEO values for your post, and help you go over the guideline one by one to make sure that all required SEO items have been fulfilled regarding your new entry.

6. Akismet Plugin:

Akismet is another very important plugin and a necessity to have on your website. It helps to eliminate the spamming attempts on your website since once you’re online you’re website will be attacked by several bots, thus you need to setup your security defense line. Akismet is an important part of this security line.

To install the plugin, Head to Plugins – > Installed Plugins. You will find that the plugin is already installed but not yet activated. You will need to hit the activate button to get it ready.

Once activated, It will ask you for a further activation step by registering on the Akismet website, grab an activation key, and put it back on your website’s plugin option [BTW’ they offer a free package there, so basically it’s free for your personal website].

7. WordFence Security Plugin:


Another important part of your defense line is WordFence plugin. It plays a vital role on protecting your WordPress against brute force attacks and hacking attempts. It also gives you alerts each time someone is trying to login to your admin panel with wrong details.

You also can limit the number of failed login attempts before being blocked on IP level using this plugin. It also includes many other amazing features that are really perfect when it comes to securing your website against the bad guys.

To install the plugin, Head to Plugins – > Add New. Use the search bar to find the plugin Wordfence security then install and activate it right away.

8. W3 Total Cache Plugin:

Nobody wants to visit a slow website. Your visitors won’t wait for that time until your website is fully loaded and ready to be browsed.

In a world where there multiple resources that made available for everyone on the internet, It’s a necessity to optimize your website performance and speed.

W3 Total Cache Plugin is the right option for you. It helps you to set the right cache values to enhance the website performance.

Multiple options are available to optimize the performance: browser’s cache, page object, database optimization, minifying CSS and javascript, content delivery network support (CDN), and many others.

The plugin is available on the WordPress plugins dashboard. In order to install it head to Plugins – > Add New, then find the plugin W3 Total Cache via the search bar. It’s time to install, activate and configure it the right way then.

9. Sumo Plugin:

SumoMe is another fantastic plugin that you really can’t live with, especially if you’re intending to build an engaging blog and need to build a dedicated audience and keep being connected with them via social media and mailing list.

The plugin is offering a free version which is quite limited but still works for those newbies at the very beginning stages. After growing a little bit you have to consider purchasing the next level package and upgrade your subscription for this plugin because simply it worth every cent.

Many tools and apps are available via the plugin, all combined are making sure to give you the ultimate experience which it comes to engaging with your visitors via social media, mailing list. It gives also awesome analytics about your performance and growth.

You can install the plugin the same way via the Plugins Dashboard (Plugins – > Add New). Find the plugin SumoMe, install, and then activate it. You’re required then to register on their website and use the free activation key to get the plugin ready to work for you.

10. JetPack by WordPress.com:


WordPress.com still plays and important role here even when you decide to go for a self-hosted blog. The plugin gets you connected with the wordpress.com cloud system where you can start using their tools like Publicizing, Marketing, Social Media Sharing, Site Security, Stats, Analytics, Speed, and Performance.

The same way to install the plugin via Plugins – > Add New. I strongly recommend It along with maintaining an active WordPress.com account for your website not to work as your site but to get qualify you for using Jetpack and the other awesome tools offered by Automattic.

11. No Self Pings Plugin:

The last thing you may want is to get WordPress send pings to your own website. No Self Pings will help you stop these auto-pings and get you right away to focus on your blogging career and your website.

You should be able to install the plugin the same way as mentioned above for other plugins as well.

12. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP Plugin:

Google Analytics Dashboard by WP

You need to keep an eye on visitors behavior on your website along with the numbers, stats, and analytics. Google Analytics is best of the best offering such services for you. This plugin will bring the Google Analytics Dashboard into your WordPress Admin Panel.

To install the plugin, Head to Plugins Tab – > Add New, then install and activate the plugin. One more step to do is to bring the Google Analytics tracking code and drop it into the plugins settings page to get it activated and ready to receive the reports and display them on your dashboard.

13. Delete Unused Themes:

Delete Unused Themes

Why keep files for themes which you don’t use? It’s really important to keep your files organized and hygienic to ensure the optimal security on your website too.

I recommend to uninstall and delete all of the unused themes on your wordpress and just to keep the current used one active.

To do this, Head to Appearance – > Themes. Here you need to click on the unused theme for details, then hit delete. Do the same thing for any more themes there which you don’t use.

Wrapping Up:

13 Important Things To Do After Installing WordPress #ThingsToDo #Wordpress #Blogging

After doing these 13 things on your new WordPress installation, I can tell you that you nearly there to start adding your content and start blogging officially.

Please be noted that in this article we’re going over on the 13 things you have to do after installing wordpress.

However, we’re not going further for how to configure these plugins. In later articles, I will show you how to configure and set the right values for each of the mentioned plugins to get it working for you the right way.

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I still want to hear back from you if what are your preferred plugins you rely on while establishing a new WordPress site.

Also, Let me know if you think I missed any other important steps or things to do to bring your blogging experience to the next level.

Fire the discussion up, BTW’ I make always sure to reply to every single comment posted on this blog. Go ahead and let me know your thoughts about it and if you have any questions or inquiries.

I would love to help you getting over them in simple steps as I used to demonstrate things here.

See you in the comments below..

1 thought on “13 Important Things To Do After Installing WordPress”

  1. Hey Karim,

    Thanks a lot for the valuable article. I’ve a question about the ease of use of WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace. Does WordPress really need good knowledge about coding ?

    Thank you alot

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